Step 1: Meet With Our Associate

Email your assigned Associate to discuss your project goals, survey needs, and target groups for engagement.

In this meeting, you will set goals for community engagement and identify key engagement groups that ****you see as particularly impacted by the subject of the survey.

For example, if the topic of a survey is public transit accessibility, an important engagement group to target could be bus commuters, train commuters, and pedestrians that walk to work.

Step 2: Receive a Drafted Survey & Strategy

Our team will collaborate with you to design survey questions, a brief engagement plan, and list target groups that are ideal for representative feedback for your project.

Step 3: Approve the Survey

Once you've reviewed and approved the survey and strategy, we will launch your survey on the co:census dashboard. You will see the new project card on your home page.

Step 4: Market Your Survey

If your agency has engaged our professional services, we will be supporting with your field tea to conduct engaegment and get survey responses. If your team only has access to our technology, we recommend you develop a comprehensive plan to market your survey. See how other clients have done this:

Market Your Survey

<aside> 👉🏼 Did you find the answer you were looking for ? If yes, you can go back to the co:census dashboard. If not, you can email your project Associate directly or contact: [email protected].
